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Who is the Overseer? You are!

What does the Overseer feature means?

  • You gain an inventory and can pick up items from the map, place items back onto the map, and store them inside buildings.
  • You can perform various tasks such as cutting trees, planting food, and constructing buildings.
  • These actions take time, similar to the in-game characters.

How it works

  • In the version 0.15.11 - turn the feature on by clicking on the Hand icon in the bottom middle of the screen. After enabling it, you’ll see an inventory in this spot.
  • You can use this tool either by clicking on the Hand button in the right window or by switching your cursor to the Overseer hand by pressing the Tab key and then performing actions while hovering over objects.
  • Pressing keys 1-9 on an English keyboard selects slots in your inventory.
  • You can delete items from your inventory by moving them into the bin.
Activating the Overseer feature
Activating the Overseer feature