Petroleum Refinery

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Petroleum Refinery is a factory powered by electricity where you produce all the basic ingredients for the prosperous Chemical Age: Sulphur, Polymers, Ethylene, and Engine Oil in barrels.

  • Sulphur is used for Phosphoric Acid and Batteries
  • Polymers are used for Plastic and Fiberglass
  • Ethylene can be converted to Alcohol
  • Oil is used to make machines with metal mechanisms work faster
  • Phosphoric Acid is used for the conversion of Ethylene to Alcohol and to create Fertilized Water
  • Alcohol is used for Fiberglass and as fuel in Bioethanol Factories
  • Plastic is used for Batteries, Cables, and Control Units
  • Fiberglass is used for Circuit Boards (and will be used for construction)
  • Circuit Boards are used for Control Units, which are already the first product for the Electronics Age that is coming

Most of the production of the Chemical Age is done in the Chemical Plant.