
From Revive and Prosper Wiki
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Welcome to the Revive & Prosper!

If you experience any inconveniences, please try to save and load the game. It should fix some troubles.

Please share any game-related issues with us through the Report a Bug button in the game.


Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy the game!

Gameplay info

Every map you play has a goal specified in End Teleporter.

You can see the goal in the top right corner of your screen.

Click on the Game Goal to see where it is situated on a map.  


Now you know what is the goal for you and where you can find it. Well done!

Here you can check basic game mechanics allowing you to complete the goal.

Basic mechanics:

Characters Terrain Platforms Water Harvest Factories Belts Torque power

Basic controls:

W,A,S,D - camera movement

Shift + W,A,S,D - faster camera movement

Q / E - camera down/up

Mouse Wheel Down - camera movement

Right Mouse Hold - camera rotation

Left Mouse - object select

Right Mouse - unselect / discard selected

R - rotating objects

Space - Pause / Unpause

Del - Destroy selected object

H - Hide / Show UI

1-9 (Eng keyboard) or Mouse wheel+Alt - Show different layers

0 (Eng keyboard) - Show all layers

B - Build menu

X - Removal tool

Z - Terrain modification tool

C - Harvesting tool

V - Priority tool

F1 - Help

F2 - List of Job Priorities

F3 - Show / Hide Resources

F5 - Open / Close in-game menu