Revive and Prosper Wiki

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Welcome to the Official Revive and Prosper Wiki

the best source for Revive & Prosper information.

Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding on existing ones.

Earth Gameplay






Martian Masters


Space Orbit Gameplay

In development

Moon Gameplay

In development

Mars Gameplay

In development

Game controls


Keyboard + Mouse

  • W,A,S,D - camera movement
  • Shift + W,A,S,D - faster camera movement
  • Q / E - camera down/up
  • Mouse Wheel Down - camera movement
  • Right Mouse Hold - camera rotation
  • Left Mouse - object select
  • Right Mouse - unselect / discard selected
  • R - rotating objects
  • Space - Pause / Unpause
  • Del - Destroy selected object
  • H - Hide / Show UI
  • 1-9 (Eng keyboard) or Mouse wheel+Alt - Show different layers
  • 0 (Eng keyboard) - Show all layers
  • B - Build menu
  • X - Removal tool
  • Z - Terrain modification tool
  • C - Harvesting tool
  • V - Priority tool
  • F1 - Help
  • F2 - List of Job Priorities
  • F3 - Show / Hide Resources
  • F5 - Open / Close in-game menu

Wiki Community

We are currently maintaining 270 pages (180 articles)!
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How to help
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